Focus on core activities
Free up internal resources, and achieve profitability.
Improve efficiency
Most corporate professionals do not have the time or background to handle the organization and management of lease portfolios.
Save money
Solve short-term problems through staff extensions, without fixed overhead.
As executives face the challenges of increasing productivity
while experiencing reductions in skilled administrative staff, many find it increasingly difficult to manage the myriad of details related to their lease obligations. We customize software systems and specific procedures designed to organize and maintain reliable information, providing the basis for sound decision-making.
Landlords also benefit from outsourcing
because it offers them an opportunity to add experienced professional resources on an as needed basis. Attention to details is equally important for the property manager or staff accountant; this skill is especially critical to ensure recovery of all expenditures during preparation and timely delivery of year-end reconciliation statements.
Our assignments range from simple lease abstracting to portfolio-wide analysis. We pride ourselves on high standards of quality control, data integrity and client satisfaction.
Deborah Harry & Associates © 2006
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